Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told Twitter on Thursday about the NYPD’s new robotic dog, which was tested on her home ground in the Bronx this week.
“Shout out to all those who fought against community advocates who demanded these resources, schools go to invest like counseling” Member of New York Congress tweeted.
Ocasio-Cortez wrote, “Robotic surveillance ground drones are now being deployed to test low-income communities of color with under-resourced schools.”
The four-legged “Digidog” deployed on the scene of a home invasion in the Bronx this week is getting a test run as the NYPD’s newest crime fighting weapon.
The department said the blue and black rover, which weighs about 70 pounds, is equipped with lights, two-way communication and video cameras.
The robot can also climb canine stairs and run approximately three-and-a-half miles an hour, and is running a test by the NYPD Technical Support Unit.
Tuesday’s test comes after deploying one of the gadgets in Brooklyn in October, trying to help dig a gunman hiding in a basement.
But Ocasio-Cortez, a Bronx Democrat, says the money and technology dedicated to the robot could have been put to better use.
“Please ask yourself,” she tweeted, “When was the last time you saw world-class technology for the next generation, education, healthcare, housing, etc., in a way that made it a constant priority for unqualified communities?”
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