President Biden on Thursday released a report with King Salman of Saudi Arabia releasing his son, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashogi.
A White House readout of the call does not mention Khashogi, a Saudi dissident and Washington Post columnist who died in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018.
The 35-year-old crown prince is the de facto ruler of the oil-rich kingdom, although the 85-year-old king remains officially in charge.
Biden and Salman talked about “efforts made by United Nations members and the United States leadership to end the war in Yemen” and Biden. Several Saudi-American activists during the detention and the recent release of Ms. Laugen al-Hathlol positively noted and affirmed that the White House said the United States values universal human rights and the rule of law.
Khashogi’s report about Khashogi’s death is expected to be released on Thursday night itself and the crown is pointing fingers at Rajkumar’s death. It could accuse him of ordering action, which Turkish officials said was involved in strangulation and dismemberment of a Virginia resident.
Former President Donald Trump argued that the US-Saudi strategic alliance was too important to risk punishing Saudi Arabia over Khashogi’s death as the crown prince’s power.
Saudi courts sentenced five people to death who were allegedly involved in Khashogi’s death, but those sentences were later changed 20 years in prison. Saudi Arabia’s legal system has not prosecuted the crown prince.
Biden has shifted US-Saudi relations, including ending US support for a long-standing Saudi military campaign to restore Yemen’s President Abdrabub Mansoor Hadi, ousted by Iran-allied militants in 2015 Gaya which still controls most of the populated areas of the country. .
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