Corey Johnson’s Zoning Plan Too Complicated

De Blasio came out swinging against Administration Council President Corey Johnson’s proposed overhaul of city planning on Tuesday – saying it would cost the Big Apple $ 500 million over a decade and slow the already complex process .

Johnson’s plan would require each of the 59 community districts to come up with their own structures for future development by 2025, all of which must meet goals for housing production and infrastructure needs.

But City Hall argued the process – which would require the city to do about 180 detailed studies of neighborhood effects – would not be “possible” and could cost the city $ 500 million over the next decade.

Johnson’s plan would require each community to create three potential plans – each of which would cost $ 2.5 million to operate, totaling $ 450 million per decade, according to the plan.

The City Planning Department would require $ 50 million for staff to meet the requirements of the law, he said.

“We estimate that the environmental review alone would cost half a billion dollars worth of orders, with a significant increase in staffing,” City Planning Director Marissa Lago said at a committee hearing on Tuesday.

“We are concerned that the ultimate impact of that time and money will be counter to our shared goals – that it will make it more difficult, not easier, to build affordable housing or site essential city facilities if these priority projects were subject to additional “The layer of bureaucracy,” he added.

Johnson, whose bill has 13 sponsors, rejected the city’s objections, calling the city plan’s cost estimate “inaccurate and absurd”.

“This indicates that the city does not seriously engage with us in this conversation,” said the speaker, who is Bidding for city controller. “There is nothing in this bill that would be for that price tag.”

“The comprehensive plan holds an enormous amount of opportunity for our city and as our individual neighborhood,” he said. “Through this new process, we can provide communities with new resources, data and analytics to support proactive planning.”

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