A New York state senator, who has repeatedly refused to allow the Cuomo administration over his decision to send COVID-19 patients to old age homes, after a recent closed-door meeting with the governor’s top aides Star-stars appeared.
Democratic Sen. James Scottis, who represents Orange County and heads the chamber’s investigative committee, received a zoom call last week about a meeting with legislator “stars”, top aide Melissa Derasa and Health Commissioner Howard Zucker.
“Basically the stars you see every day on your TV set to tell us what’s going on,” in a clip obtained by Scoutis, an Upstat community group, at a Zoom conference with Ferry Godmother. Hudson Power Broker. Skoufis told the participants that they spoke in the group minutes after their closed doors. 10 Conference with Zoom Derasa, Zakar and other members of the Cuomo administration.
Skoffis, 33, is chairman of the Committee on Investigations and Governmental Affairs, but has repeatedly refused or denied a Republican call from members of the Cuomo administration who dumped thousands of COVID-19 patients into nursing homes , Who are spreading the virus in frail elderly living. More than 13,000 New Yorkers have died in nursing homes since the onset of the epidemic, nearly double the state’s Department of Health’s 8,500 nursing home deaths.
According to reports, last week, the US Attorney and FBI launched a criminal investigation into the Cuomo administration to deal with coronovirus in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.
“It’s time for that [Skoufis] What is the right thing to do and hold the Cuomo administration accountable, ”Republican State Sen. Robert Robert said in a statement to The Post Friday. “Instead, he is on record to actively defend an administration under criminal investigation. His job as a chair is to provide oversight; Instead he acted for his own political gain by blocking a subpoena, which Gov. Cuomo will be accountable to the Department of Health and ultimately be entitled to a New Yorker receiving answers. “
Earlier this month, Scophis Rejected an offer From state Sen. Robert O’Mara to sub-members of the Cuomo administration on deaths in nursing homes. At the Zoom meeting of the Senate investigative committee, Scoffis silenced O’Mara who continued to press for Uppen.
He said that Scoffis told The Post that his committee was “constantly engaged in oversight”, and had conducted more than 40 hours of COVID hearings – a process that is ongoing, he said.
“What we’re not doing … is a criminal investigation unit,” he said. “We do not have the authority to initiate those types of inquiries, and are deferred to the appropriate agencies and their discretion.”
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