Actress Gina Carano, recently fired from the cast of “The Mandalorian”, is not following the path of forgiveness by many celebrities who eschew the canceled culture.
Instead, he is targeting executives from Disney + and Lucasfilm, who called him “bullies” two weeks ago. Time limit indicated.
“I’ve done a lot, and I’ve seen a lot of bullying so far, and I’ve seen it before,” Carno reportedly said to conservative conservative commentator Ben Shapiro of “The Daily Wire”. ” The first interview since the eviction, which will air on their show on Sunday. “I am not the only one who has ever been harassed by this company, and I know that so deeply.”
He said, “I can share a story that will spin things in the media but I can’t because it will sell to a friend.… Everyone is afraid of losing their job.”
The 38-year-old Carno, who played the role of bounty hunter Kara Dunne in the first two seasons of “The Mandalaorean”, was removed from the show for her controversial social media post.
The “Star Wars” giant made no secret of canceling her, as she was “defaming her social media posts on the basis of her cultural and religious identity,”
The former MMA fighter told Shapiro, with whom he Made a movie deal recently, She knew that the officers were watching her well before her firing.
“You know how boxers sometimes hunt and forget to go for a body? I feel like Disney or Lucasfilm or whoever it is, some special people from that company … I think so That my head has been cut off (…) and you can feel it. A few weeks ago, Lucasfilm told an artist that they worked to erase my character and put a different character, and that Proudly announces this on Twitter, and erases my character and adds another character. All fans of Cara Dunne were just annoyed. They were like ‘Why didn’t you add the character? Why should you cast the character Was there? Is there something wrong? Is Gina being fired? “
Carano said a Disney employee mistakenly sent him a company email about him following a social media response to his post.
“He accidentally sent me an email, which was very informative, so I knew. I knew they were paying attention. I know there were some people who went to bat for me, but I know they did not win in the end. “
Carano’s most controversial message – and what appears to be the final straw – came when he shared an image from Nazi Germany and compared it to today’s ultra-political climate.
“The Jews were beaten on the streets not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…. By children too, ”said her post.
Another photo on Carano’s Instagram story shows a man with multiple masks, covering his face and head with the caption: “Meanwhile in California.”
Carano, according to Deadline, will tell Shapiro that he has no intention of returning his remarks or becoming less vocal to appease Hollywood executives.
“I was ready to go at any point, because I’ve seen it happen to so many people,” Carano would say. “I have seen the look on their faces. I’ve seen bullying, and when it starts, they point their guns at you, and you know it’s only a matter of time. I’ve seen this happen to a lot of people, and I’ve just thought for myself (…) ‘You’re coming for me, I know you are.’ They are making it very clear through their employees who were coming for me, and so I was like, ‘I’m going to be swinging and I’m going to be true to myself.’
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