New Skyrim board game announced, not coming to Kickstarter

Elder Scrolls 5: Skier Board Game From Modifius Games, publisher of the popular Fallout and The Elder Scrolls-themed short game. But it’s not coming for Kickstarter, visit the crowdfunding site for the new tablet game.

Instead, the project will launch on GameFound, an ambitious new crowdfunding platform custom-built for tabletop games. Created by board game developer Jagat Lokas (Tented Grill: The Fall of Avalon), Gamefound is announcing an ambitious slate of campaigns scheduled for 2021. It includes A sophisticated collector of award winning editions Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on Cursed Island and many more. The report door has exclusive disclosures on the platform itself, plus new details.

The founder and CEO of Awaken Realms, the brainchild of Marcin ierwierkot, GameFound hosted its first crowdfunding project in 2020. For this campaign ISS Vanguard, A short-heavy science fiction board game, grossed nearly $ 5 million. Speaking with Reporter Door on Wednesday, withwierkot said it was high time for the Kickstarter contestant to enter the space.

Crowdfunding has ignited a fire under the entire tabletop industry, promoting a renaissance between small and large creators. The category has grown exponentially on Kickstarter since that platform was founded in 2009, including a 32% spike last year. Tabletop games account for about one-third of Kickstarter’s total annual revenue, as well as video games. But adaptwierkot says the platform has been slow to adapt to the needs of its most profitable customers.

“I think board games are the ones that push the boundaries that are possible [on Kickstarter], “” Said Wierkot. “They are definitely the most innovative in terms of awards […] Most complicated to be sure. I think we, like board gamers, want to complicate things for ourselves. “

Świerkot says that the gamefound was built keeping in mind the tabletop creators and their fans. Stretch goals and add-ons – items such as extensions and upgrades that typically accompany modern tabletop games – are deeply integrated into the platform. This means that customers should never leave GameFound to manage their purchases during or after a campaign.

Currently, many tabletop manufacturers use other platforms such as BackRit, which allows them to take new orders and accommodate old ones even after a campaign ends. Confusion can arise when consumers, and the game is eventually shipped. GameFound was originally launched with a similar feature set some time ago, so those features are already available on the platform.

Additionally, the gamefound contains key information – such as the timeline of campaigns, and details on their current money levels – right at the top of the page. And there are recommended pledge levels and easy links to the next stretch goal of a campaign.

Community characteristics are also a priority, kotwierkot said. The platform already boasts a robust commentary system with threaded dialogue and hashtags. In addition, kotwierkot told Reporter Door that his company is dedicated to transparency. Opwierkot said that although influencers and Tabletop gaming celebrities will be heavily integrated into the platform, the goal is for content to be clearly marked when it has been paid for by a developer or publisher.

While more features will be available on their platform, saidwierkot said Gamefound will still match Kickstarter’s current fee structure. Only 5% of the money raised will go to the gamefound, while 3% of the money raised will go to the payment processor.

Major art for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim The Board Game shows Dovakin screaming in the sky after killing a dragon.

Picture: Modifius Entertainment / Bethesda Softworks

There is currently only one campaign live on GameFound – Lucky Duck Games’ Kingdom Rush: Elemental Rebellion, Which is based on the Tower Defense video game series. Świerkot said that the slow pace will likely continue during 2021 as curate selections of titles and partners make their way to the new platform.

The first of those partners will be ModiDih Entertainment, which has made huge progress in licensed video games and pop culture franchises over the past several years. The company publishes games based on Conan and Star Trek as well as Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. It also has a homeworld role-playing game, a Desondor role-playing game, and a Dune role-playing game in development.

The first project from Modifius to be launched on GameFound Elder Scrolls 5: Skier Board Game, Which will draw on the property from the Bethesda Classic. No details about the project are being provided at this time, but fans are encouraged to sign up to GameFound for more information. Modifius co-founder Chris Burch told Reporter Door that the crowdfunding campaign was expected to go live in June.

An early render of the Robinson Crusoe Collector's Edition: Adventures on the Cursed Island depicts a digital render of the box and several miniatures.

Picture: Portal Game

Also launching in 2021 is the collector’s edition Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on Cursed Island. Design by Ignacy Trzewicke (Imperial Settlers, Detective: a modern crime board game) And first published in 2012, the portal game’s narrative adventure title has won numerous industry awards – including the iconic Golden Geek from the community in the board game Geek. The campaign for this improved version will be called Plastic Miniatures and a new expansion Book of adventures, Was designed by Joanna Kijanka and previewed during last year’s Digital Essen Spiel sports fair. Expect the campaign to go live in March.

Three more campaigns have also been announced: Mirza Noctis Domain, A cooperative, hero-building adventure; Gaijin, An adventure board game set in Cyberpunk Japan; And Peter Assault, a collection of four titles of Peterson games Cthulhu wars. There is no launch date available for those campaigns.

The gamefound is now live, and will allow new users to sign up to remind when new campaigns begin.

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