Early minutes (and, well, the following 12 hours) Resident Evil Village The protagonist is a traumatic experience for Ethan Winters, as it appears that Chris invades Redfield Winters’ house and kidnaps young Rose Winters. But what if those early moments were hilarious, because the child was getting stolen Little chris redfieldThe This is the inspiration behind a new mod for the Windows PC version resident Evil villageIn which Chris’ rather wide head applies to Digital Baby Rose.
And all this has to say about this particular mod. The pictures tell a lot of the story. Its creator, JTegh explained on Nexusmods that. “It was a dumb joke that popped into my head so I had to do it.”
Here’s a sneak preview of Chris’s own kidnapping:
Picture: Capcom via Jetag on NexModes
According to Jettig, the “Mini Me Chris” mod takes full advantage of Rose’s existing facial animations. So ‘Chris will have to coo and cry, though “some aspects may seem a bit weird.”
Other works by Ethan Winters are also inspire in a similar way. One lets you put YoRHa clothes (from) NEAR: Automata) On Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters. While another Frank West changes the picture frame filter in photo mode to add selfie faces Dead Rising 4.
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