‘SNL’ under fire for ‘anti-Semitic’ joke about Israel

Critics are taking to Twitter to take out “Saturday Night Live” Michael Che for a joke claiming he was anti-Semitism.

“Israel is reporting that they have vaccinated half of their population. I think it’s the Jewish half, “Weekend Update reporter Cracked on Sunday morning.

The vast majority of Israel’s population – 74 percent – is Jewish, according to Jewish Virtual Library.

The vaccination rate of Israeli Arabs is much lower than that of Jews in the country, partly due to mistrust of the government in the Arab community, according to a January article Christian Science Monitor.

By Sunday afternoon, the subject was trending, with many accusations being partisan of Che and NBC, and others coming to their rescue.

“He has a long record of antisemitism as unpredictable coming from SNL,” deployment of Former state assembly member Do Hikind.

“But Michael Che or whoever wrote that ‘joke’ is apparently unaware of the fact that Israel has Arab citizens who have received the vaccine to the same qualification as the Jews!”, The Brooklyn Democrat said.

Another critic tweeted: “43% of Israel’s Arab citizens have been vaccinated – and if the hateful propaganda spread by Michael Che was not around, it’s already huge.”

Others defended the fake news bit, claiming that Che was making an anti-apartheid statement.

Palestinian leaders have accused Israel of racism in relation to the vaccine roll-out.

“Leave Michael Che alone.” Israel is not vaccinating millions of Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza – all of these are ultimately under Israeli control. As a Jewish woman of conscience, I find this medical antithesis horrifying, “a woman Tweeted.

“All of Michael Che’s criticism ignores the fact that the people of the West Bank and Gaza have received almost no vaccination,” another supporter wrote.

SNL lost a week later. Cuomo’s COVID-19 nursing home death scandal was ignored, with a variety of shows taking off the gloves, casting the scandal as Pete Davidson, kicking the Democrats Saturday night’s episode.

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