The $ 329 Nvidia RTX 3060 was impossible to find, but you can try Newzyg’s raffle

NVIDIA It is believed that Launched a $ 329 graphics card today, the GeForce RTX 3060, but I haven’t found much evidence yet.

Today’s order started at 9AM PT / 12PM ET for a card with listed prices of $ 329.99. All the way to $ 629.99, Average $ 471. Those prices are not increasing, mind you. Those retail prices are set by Nvidia’s partners.

As far as I can tell, the only places that actually claimed to stock a card for $ 329.99 were NewGig and EVGA’s own website, and neither only put the card on sale: the NewGG only card Prohibiting buying opportunities, and EVGA is a queue where you press the “notify me” button. In both cases, you wait for the company to email you back with good news.

The Newegg listing pointed you directly to the Newegg Shuffle.
Screenshot by report door

In my opinion, raffle and queue are good things! This means that you can probably actually have a chance to get one. You have up to 12PM PT / 3PM ET today to enter the Newegg Shuffle, which offers a PS5 bundle as well, and if you get in luck, you’ll find out from 2PM PT / 5PM ET. But it also means that we will have little evidence that $ 329 is the actual price of this GPU.

There is also a question of whether Nvidia initially managed to ship many 3060. Quizzes and raffles aside, today it seemed that some of the most sparse GPU availability was still there, with some of Nvidia’s allegations of a “paper launch”. Like AMD’s RX 6800 series in November

. PCGamer Left the launch live-blogging After one hour of failure. Best Buy barely had them. At some other retailers, he never showed up. I looked at listings to pull some versions directly from the web. The micro center had only in-store.

Either way a bright spot for American gamers: Best Buy Wounds While Resting Different Kinds other Nvidia GPU pops up from time to time today, 3060 Ti, 3070 and even the toughest 3080 popping.

In fact, it can show how fat the RTX 3060 launch is: I was sitting Falcodin’s Twitch ChannelA popular hangout, where people try to track cards and share their success, and Falcodin ran a survey Only two people Admitted to nabbing a 3060:

Phalkodrin’s Polls.

It is also worth noting that at least two out of four $ 329.99 graphics cards suspiciously look like token offerings to meet that price. The EVGA has a second identical version of the 3060 with a slightly higher boosted watch from the 3060, which retails for $ 390.

Let me guess which one is the less expensive “black” model.

And while Newegg will be listing the Zotac’s 3060 Twin Edge for $ 329.99, the Zotac itself lists it and is sold briefly. Exactly the same card This morning for $ 479.99. (I saw the Add to Cart button on a refresh, but Zotac’s website dropped it, and it went out of stock as soon as I returned.)

The RTX 3060 is a good card, but even at $ 330, I think you might want to wait and see what’s so much better then the 3060 Ti. At $ 400 and up, it doubles. But perhaps you had no choice but to start. We are asking Nvidia and EVGA if they have more ideas, and we will tell you what we hear.

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