This summer, Cruella de Vil – the notorious fashionista with a pencil for speckled fur – is treating the original story with live-action Cruella.
But what happens before the prequel movie? Maureen Johnson’s upcoming YA novel (13 small blue envelopes) Conceives prematurely before diving into the teenage years of the iconic villain in 1967 London.
Inspired by Cruella, Johnson Hello krewel hart The 16-year-old follows Estella – an aspiring, ambitious fashion designer, who runs all over London with her loyal colleagues. After a serious run-way with posh socialites, she asserts herself in high society and is living the fashionable life she dreamed of. But what will it cost to maintain the rich and the magnificent?
Hello krewel hart Hits the shelves on 6 April. We spoke to Johnson about the experience of exploring an in-depth history for De Vil. Read a special excerpt from our interview and book below.
What is a good character to find out about Cruella de Vil in more detail?
Maureen Johnson: This is a fun writing villain. They get to do the best stuff. I was thrilled when I heard how Cruella’s story would be presented in the film. Punk Cruella looked amazing, and writing a YA novel inspired by that was exciting. I am deeply impressed with London in the ‘0s and’ 0s. I have a wealth of knowledge that I can never use and this was my chance! My chance!
What was there to flesh out the teenage years of such an iconic Disney villain?
I immersed myself in swinging London – in 1967 – in one of the most colorful, weird times possible. This book is full of weird parties and weird peoples music. It is rock and roll and Feather Bose and leaves for Stonehenge in the middle of the night. Cruella has some fun. It doesn’t all work, but he has a lot of adventures. I used a lot of real people and places in the book. The names I omit are places, shops – most of them real. Criella becomes a neighbor with Mick Jagger and goes to the best boutique that probably ever existed.
What were your inspirations Writing Hello, cruel heart?
I went to two other Dodie Smith books: The starlight barking And I capture the castle. The starlight barking Is an incredibly funny and funny book where all humans sleep and only animals wake up. A space dog gives them magical powers and gives them the opportunity to come to the stars with them. Cruella is in that book, but she is asleep. That’s great, but it’s not really what you might expect. I also saw I capture the castle, Which is one of the best teen novels yet and everyone should read it. It has nothing to do with Cruella – it’s just great, and it’s the highs and lows of being a teenager. It is also very funny.
What can we see in other characters Hello cruel heart Differentiate yourself from Krujela?
Jasper and Horace are, of course, there! Also some rock stars, dandies, fashionistas, posh people, and a very angry security guard.
And now read this exclusive excerpt Hello krewel hart:
Picture: Disney
Hours later, Estella spread her hands over her head, cracking her back in a satisfying manner. The afternoon and evening slipped at night. Jasper and Horace were already snoring in their beds. He has made some progress, but not enough. It was never enough for Estella until it was perfect. He rubbed his eyes and pushed back with his sewing machine.
“Time to eat,” he told Buddy.
Buddy relieved that he could finally leave his post by the sewing machine, after which she moved to his small kitchen. He filled Buddy’s dish with dog food. Some cold spag was sitting on his cold plate. Estella took the pot, sprinkled a load of black pepper over the succulent noodles and rubbed red chutney, and ate it cold. It was impossible to know whether Buddy or Estella had more delicious food.
From there, she went to the bathroom and filled her old tub with lukewarm rusty-tinted water for a bath. The night was not relieved by the day’s rising temperatures, and it was submerged in the lair. The perspiration stopped by caressing her back as Teidid did not splash in the water. She scrubbed herself with the best she could, changed into a loose nightgown and lay in bed.
It never went completely dark in Lyer. There was a large circular window with no cover. Estella saw the night sky and the moon that hung over London. She was not tired. Her thoughts wandered, eventually paired with each other on the grass. What can happen to be a part of a couple that is one half? How can they be so, so unwittingly giving themselves up, willing to share their innermost being and fear with another person?
Because they were normal, Estella thought. Because they went to school and had their homes. They did not correspond with the boys they met on the road. They did not fill their pockets to live. They used to do normal things. Estella avoids the idea of normal – but in this case. . .
. . . Maybe everything will be alright.
He shook his head, bounced from left to right and back again, then sighed and turned the light back on.
There was no point in entertaining these kinds of ideas. She reached for one of the many library books she had laid on her bed. Estella loved the library, even though she didn’t quite understand it. They didn’t charge you for the books – they let you pick them up. But you needed a library card, which meant giving things like your name- your real name- and address. There was nothing that Estella could do. So she just took the books quietly. Sometimes she even brought them back to the library when he was done, and put them on the shelves where she lived. Not always, but sometimes.
He opened a book on eighteenth-century textile design, then another drawing of flowers.
Is this all destined for you?
Estella won. Of course. Cruella.
Picture: Disney Books
She was not sure that Cruella was present when she was first known. That part of him has probably always been, the way he got frustrated for his toys and the way he stopped going to school. It was Cruella who helped him beat the bulls that helped him. Her mother had previously identified Cruella by name.
“Now what do you say to Cruella when she tries to get better than you?” She used to ask.
“Thank you for coming,” Estella would reply, “but you can leave now.”
“Okay. Now say goodbye to her.”
“Goodbye, Cruella,” Estella would say.
But Cruella never really went. She took a few steps back, but she followed, always there. Estella could hear his footsteps.
In many ways, Cruella kept Estella alive when she arrived in London, alone and frightened. Sure, Horace and Jasper were a big part of it, but Cruella kept it going. Cruella loved carrying purses and purses. Cruella did not care to break the law. Cruella was not distraught with conscience. Cruella usurped his needs and held his heart hard. Estella must have cried herself to sleep several nights, but Cruella never did. Cruella kept calm and cool. Cruella survived everything.
Crusela can also be bossed and upset. Like tonight.
He tried to overcome Cruella’s question, but it floated back into view. She was now sixteen. She was not going to school, but she had natural intelligence and instincts, and she had these books. He taught himself well. Maybe he didn’t get everything, but he knew what he needed to know. that’ll be fine. When you were talented – and he was undeniably talented – you didn’t need a piece of paper to prove your worthiness.
He turned his attention to the picture.
Is this all destined for you? Disguise? Cold Spag Bol? Rusty Water?
Criella again, her voice echoing inside Estella’s head.
“I’m not going to be like this forever,” Estella said loudly, very quietly. “I’m going to be a designer. A famous one. “
Cruella stopped for a moment. Estella turned back to the books.
Is that all?
“Is that all?” Estella told herself. “what else is there?”
In response, his mind floated over the image of the couple on the grass. Laughing and talking together, not just them, but the whole group of students. They were part of something more than themselves. They were friend.
He was part of something, too, argued Estella. He had Jasper and Horace and Wink and Buddy. They were all snoring around him.
Oh! That is the matter? Cruella’s voice was suppressed. Always?
“I don’t know,” Estella replied furiously. “I’ll find out later.”
Maybe now is later.
“Oh, too deep,” she replied, her tone having a sarcastic edge, before realizing that she was probably having this conversation with herself because no one else was with it.
That kind of proved to be the case of Crayla. She fell into silent silence.
Estella angrily closes the books and goes to the window, one of the favorite parts of Laire, who somehow survived the war and neglect in later years. London was like: so many things had taken place in a war, whether it was from war or weather upsets, or the biggest and most persistent threat, Father Time, and yet they stood still – a million beautiful little pieces of history . Only the remaining things were found, reverence and celebration were observed. Like Estella. He had survived and would survive, and the world would find him, knowing his talent.
how? The answer was more work. She would make her own clothes, and somehow, the clothes would take her where she was needed.
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