On February 21, 2021, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were blessed with a child. The actress gave birth to her second child at Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai around 9 am on Sunday. As soon as the news broke online, fans of the two actors could not remain calm and started trending on the micro-blogging site. Netizens started wishing the power couple with some cute messages. Not only fans, celebrity friends also poured love on Saifina on social media. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan Blessed with a Baby!
Manish Malhotra was the first to tweet and congratulate the pair. Followed by Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Saba Pataudi on Instagram. Even, filmmaker Subhash Ghai fell in love with Bebo and Saif. Here, check out some early wishes for Tinsel City’s newest mommy-daddy. Kareena Kapoor Khan revives maternity fashion, this time with Kaftan with Timeless and Lockdown!
Manish Malhotra:
Congratulations my dear # Kareena Kapoor Khan And fantastic #SaifAliKhan
– Manish Malhotra (@ManishMalhotra) February 21, 2021
Riddhima Kapoor Sahni
Riddhima Kapoor Sahni (Photo courtesy: Instagram)
Subhash Ghai:
I congratulate all of us @ MuktaArts.in To give a brilliant smile to every single child for the arrival of dear Kareena Ann Saif.
My special love n bless @ Kareena_can @SafeOnline
Lots of love ❤️?
– Subhash Ghai (@ SubhashGhai1) February 21, 2021
Saba Pataudi
Saba Pataudi (Photo courtesy: Instagram)
Speaking with times of India, Kareena’s father, Randhir Kapoor told how Taimur cheers a younger brother on his behalf. “Oh, is that so! He is happy. He is very happy to have a younger brother. In fact, even Saif is excited. She is very happy, so is my daughter, and I bless them all by speaking my heart.
She also expressed that Bebo and her baby are fine and said, “I haven’t seen my grandson yet, but I have spoken to Kareena and she told me that she is fine, and the baby is healthy.” I am very happy, indeed, to be a grandfather again on the moon. I look forward to seeing the younger one. I am already praying for his safety, “Congratulations to Kareena-Saif and Taimur Ali Khan as well. stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on Reporter Door on February 21, 2021 02:33 PM IST. Log onto our website reporterdoor.com for more news and updates on politics, the world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle).
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