Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that officials are looking at the possibility of giving just one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to those who were already infected with the virus.
The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said that giving the same shot to survivors of the virus is “really impressive.”
“The boost you get with that single dose is really huge,” Fauci Told “Meet the Press” on NBC anchor Chuck Todd.
“So we’re looking at this very carefully. And that’s something you want to consider, but we want to look at the data really carefully first.”
A small study at the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that Pfizer-derived health workers produced dramatically higher antibody levels after a single dose of Pfizer-BioNotech or Modern Vaccines.
Two weeks after his first shot, his antibody levels were nearly 500 times higher than those who had not been ill before, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Mohammad Sajadi, co-author of the study, told the paper, “They had a faster response and a greater response than those who first saw the virus.” “If I had saved myself, I’d be fine with a single shot.”
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