Tiger Woods Car Accident Description: What is known about the accident was admitted to Golf Star Hospital

The sports world received shocking news on Tuesday when Tiger Woods, arguably history’s biggest golfer – and top all-time athlete – was involved in a car accident.

Woods, who was injured in a single-car accident, while not life-threatening, required extensive and intensive surgery. It is uncertain whether they are career-ending. No others were injured in the accident; Woods was the only occupant of his vehicle.

Woods’ injury prompted a flood of wishes and prayers for not only golfers and athletes, but also politicians, actors and celebrities of all types from around the world – hoping to be one of the most beloved golfers of all time.

Here is all you need to know about Woods’ accident, including the severity of his injury, the cause of his accident, and more.

MORE: ‘Lucky to be alive’ after Tiger Woods accident

What happened to Tiger Woods?

Woods was injured in a single-car rollover collision that occurred around 7:12 a.m. PT. The accident occurred while traveling north on Hawthorne Boulevard on Blackhorse Road in Los Angeles. It took place on the border of Rolling Hills Estates and Rancho Palos Vereds, about 30 miles from downtown LA.

Steven Gregory, an iHeartRadio correspondent, was First to break the news 11:07 am PT; The Los Angeles County Sheriff Department confirmed that Woods was the injured man in the PT news release at 11:28 a.m. He said that Lomita Station in Los Angeles County responded to the scene.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva told reporters at a press conference on Tuesday that respondents arrived at the scene at approximately 7:18 a.m. PT. Sheriff’s deputy Carlos Gonzalez was the first there. He called the Los Angeles County Fire Department at 7:22 a.m. to help Woods get out of his vehicle. Gonzalez said at the same news conference that he waited best to determine that more respondents would not arrive until he tried to remove Woods from the car.

Removing Woods from the car showed the fire department at 7:28 p.m. Darry Ausby, head of the LA Fire Department – also a part of Tuesday’s news conference – said Woods’ injuries were considered “trauma levels” as his vehicle rolled several times into the crash. Because of that, respondents determined to transfer her to the nearest hospital, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, along with the trauma center.

Woods was taken to an ambulance where he underwent surgery.

What is Tiger Woods injury?

The official Twitter account of Tiger Woods provided an update about the golf star’s condition early Wednesday, stating that he had a “lengthy surgical procedure” and suffered “significant orthopedic injuries to his lower right extremity”.

According to the release, Woods had praised open fractures in the upper and lower parts of his fibrin and tibia. He was stabilized with a rod inserted into the tibia; Other injuries to his leg and ankle were stabilized with screws and pins. Doctors were also forced to relieve pressure on her muscles and soft tissue.

Daniel Miller of the Los Angeles Times – citing someone with knowledge of Woods’ treatment – originally reported that the golf star suffered a broken ankle and two fractures, one of them being a compound fracture.

Jungle was in a seriously stable condition when he arrived at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Lindsey Thery of ESPN reported late Tuesday that doctors ‘first concern was stabilizing Woods’ injuries, from an orthopedic and vascular standpoint. Theri cited sources close to the situation saying that Woods has a “long road to recovery” and that he has many surgeries in his future.

(Getty Images)

What caused Tiger Woods’ car to crash?

Villanueva said Woods’ vehicle was traveling northbound on Hawthorn Boulevard at “higher speeds than usual”. The section of road where it crashed – which is particularly steep and winding – has a 45 mph speed limit.

Villanueva said Woods’ vehicle appeared to be in contact with the center of the divider, destroying a wooden sign that read, “Welcome to Rolling Hill Estates.” It then crossed two southeast lanes, at which point it hit a curb and trees – narrowly missed a telephone pole – before rolling an embankment several times. The car came to a rest about 30 yards from the side of the road. There were no skid marks or breaking marks from the accident site.

Weather is not considered a factor in crashes. Villanueva also said that the respondents noticed that there were “no signs of harm” from Woods on the site, and that doctors had not drawn blood from them to determine whether they had taken alcohol or drugs in their system.

Regardless, Villanueva said there would be an investigation into Woods’ crash – which could take “several days to weeks” – because it had caused injuries.

What kind of car was Tiger Woods driving?

Woods was driving a 2021 Hyundai Genesis GV80, a mid-size SUV. They were provided with the vehicle by Genesis Invitation, as evidenced by the tournament logo on the side of the vehicle. Tiger hosted the tournament over the weekend at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, California. – A seaside community in western LA. The Associated Press reported It is not uncommon for players to have etiquette after a few days of events.

Villanueva told reporters that the front portion of the SUV was “destroyed” as a result of the crash, but the interior remained intact. If Woods had not worn his seat belt, Villanueva said, it is possible that his accident would have been fatal.

“Interior, the vehicle’s cabinet was more or less intact,” Villanueva said. “The front end was completely destroyed, the bumper, everything completely destroyed, the airbags were stationed. However, thankfully the interior was more or less intact, which padded him to survive, otherwise a terrible accident. Would have happened. “

Prior to his news conference, the sheriff told the Los Angeles Times that Woods was “lucky to be alive.”

Did first responders use Jaws of Life?

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Twitter Account Incorrectly stated That first responders used Jaws of Life to remove Woods from his vehicle. Osby later clarified that he used an ax to break through a pry bar to remove seating from around the vehicle’s windshield and Woods’ legs. Once they had removed Woods from the vehicle through the windshield, they placed him on a backboard and transported him via ambulance to the trauma center.

Why was Tiger Woods in Los Angeles?

Woods remained in Los Angeles after the 2021 Genesis Invitational to participate in a two-day content shoot with Golf Digest and GOLFTV. The shoot featured Woods giving lessons to celebrities at Rolling Hills Country Club in Rolling Hills Estates, California.

NBA star Dwayne Wade and actor / comedian David Spade both posted snippets of their season with Woods on social media:

Reports indicate that Woods was traveling to meet Saints quarterback Drew Tree and Chargers quarterback Justin Herbert for Tuesday’s shooting. He reportedly came late, which would explain why he was fast at the time of the accident.

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