Top Republicans on the House Budget Committee blasted President Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion coronovirus relief package, saying Democrats are using it to bail out financially struggling state governments after keeping businesses closed for months during the epidemic Huh.
Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) Also knocked off the incentive plan as a killer, which would increase the economic crisis of American families.
“Democrats are running to pass a bill spending nearly $ 2 trillion that would create bailouts for state governments that would shut down their citizens and radical policies that would destroy jobs and live for working Americans. Will raise costs “, said Smith, on the ranking house panel In a statement from Fox News.
“But this is clearly where any kind of solicitation on their part ends,” he said. “All this is just and only evidence that the COVID-19 motive is more than an excuse for what the Democrats are proposing. His approach is the wrong plan, at the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons. “
Fox News reported that after the incentive payments were sent, the bulk of the money – about $ 670 billion – would not be spent until FY 2022 or later.
Another $ 140 billion will be held for fiscal year 2024.
Smith reported that $ 130 billion for K-12 schools, with only $ 6 billion to be spent this year.
About $ 250 billion will be used for emergency housing vouchers this fiscal year, while $ 8 billion will go towards childcare.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency will receive $ 11 billion this fiscal year.
Democrats will leave US taxpayers to pick up a tab of $ 17,000 per person and $ 70,000 for a family of four, when Biden’s nearly $ 2 trillion relief bill is passed by Congress with $ 4 trillion in incentives already Is combined, he said. In an interview earlier this month.
“It’s a lot of expense,” Smith told C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal”.
Biden’s plan calls for direct payments of $ 1,400 for eligible individuals and up to $ 5,600 for a family of four.
It extends two unemployment programs until August.
The Budget Committee is expected to take up the scheme on Monday. He said that the government has taken several steps to prevent such incidents.
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