The starboard engine of a United Airlines passenger jet burst into flames on Saturday in Denver – an emergency landing and A large piece of engine cover for landing on the suburban front yard, Officials and witnesses said.
Surprisingly, no injuries were reported on board Honolulu-bound United Flight 328 or on the ground – despite dramatic images showing the stunning, burning engines and debris of the front yard.
The Boeing 777 flew from Denver International Airport at 12:49 pm with 231 passengers and 10 crew members, but experienced engine trouble and returned to Denver International Airport around 1:30 pm. IFN News reported.
Flight 328 @united engine caught fire. My parents are on this flight, ” @michaelagiulia tweeted, With videos of the burning engine. “Everyone’s fine though!”
The circular engine cover landed in a front yard in the Denver-area suburb of Broomfield, where Police sent a code red to 1,400 residents They were asked to look for additional debris.
Some pieces of debris Landed in a field at Broomfield ParkAbout 25 miles north of Denver.
“Please do not touch or move any debris” Broomfield Police Department tweetedWith pictures of some scattered pieces.
National Transportation Safety Board Tweeted that it is investigating Terrible event.
United said it is working with the NTSB on “engine failure”.
“The NTSB is investigating and has instructed anyone with contact with their local law enforcement agency to recover from the wreckage of the incident. All passengers and crew have been removed and taken back to the terminal in the den. We are now working to get our customers on a new flight to Honolulu in the next few hours, ”joint spokesman David Gonzalez told The Post.
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