When Barbara Underwood witnessed an engine fire incident from Hawaii during her United Airlines flight on Saturday, the only thing she could think of.
“I turned back my texting and said my best wishes to my children. Now we did not know what was going to happen. It was terrible, “Kauai woman Told Hawaii News Now.
Underwood was flying from Denver to Honolulu on United Flight 328 with her husband when the horrific incident began to unfold, she told the outlet.
She was looking out of the window when she saw that the engine was shaking.
“And then as I was watching it, he just set it on fire,” he said of the doomed starboard engine.
“And the ring thing around him just flew and then he was just smoking. And I was just saying, ‘Oh, my God, I don’t know what’s going to happen next,’ he said.
She said that most people on the board did not realize what had happened.
After returning to the airport, most of the people involved in the flight boarded a new joint plane and continued their journey to Honolulu, a United States statement said on Saturday.
Those who did not want to travel were given accommodation in the hotel.
The airline said it is working with federal agencies investigating the incident.
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