Online gambling has become an integral part of modern entertainment, allowing you access to quality casino games from all places at all times. The wide availability acts like a double-edged sword, however. This can result in social harm such as gambling and drug addiction. In turn, this can lead to debt, relationship issues, job loss, mental health problems, and even substance abuse.
Because of this, the number of Countries with restrictions on gambling advertisements in Europe Has been steadily increasing in recent years. As awareness of gambling losses increases, so have governments taken measures to restrict the marketing of such activities. There are many examples in Old Continent beginning with Great Britain.
UK operators voluntarily agreed to ban watershed advertising
It is no secret that the UK is one of the most developed gambling industries in the world. Local regulators have recently launched a UK gambling ads banned. These deers are legal in Old Blight but have many restrictions in place. Advertisements should be socially responsible and should not target individuals under 18 years of age. The August 2019 amendments introduced a self-imposed, whistle-to-whistle ban on gambling advertisements during television sports programs.
The operators volunteered to refrain from marketing their services before the watershed at 9am. Another proposal aims to promote celebrity endorsement in gambling advertisements, but the worst has yet to come for operators. More severe restrictions apply to the industry in the near future. A group of more than fifty members of the British Parliament recently proposed a similar ban on all gambling advertisements, both on television and online.
Italy, Belgium and Finland try to curb gambling with advertising restrictions
We follow a similar trend in many other European countries including Finland, Italy and Belgium. Finland bans gambling-related marketing on television and radio. The only exception is advertising in designated gambling areas such as racetracks and terrestrial casinos. Marketing of offshore services is strictly out of the question.
Italy is another example because it enforces a blanket ban on all gambling marketing. The prohibition applies not only to radio and television, but also to all channels. Belgium is still another example with its 2020 legislation that effectively outlined a partnership between licensed local sports clubs and betting operators outside the country.
Spain also jumped on the band, banning all gambling sponsors. Dutch operators should follow various restrictions, but there is no complete ban on advertising at the moment. you can learn More about restrictions In this report by MarketingWeek.
Due to gambling advertising ban
The question arises that why is the government moving towards hardening its stand on gambling advertisements? The most obvious reason is with gambling related losses. Gambling is widespread with developed countries, which inevitably reflect negatively on drug rates.
The sanctions are intended to increase consumer protection levels and curb problem gambling rates. In some countries, such as Finland, it makes it easier for local authorities to track illegal gambling advertising. We would like to remind readers that the state has a monopoly on all forms of gambling in Finland.
All profits generated by the state-owned Vekkaus operator go towards social projects such as health care, education and public welfare. The measures are not intended to completely prohibit the Finns from gambling, but to ensure that they only gamble with Weeks. This, in turn, guarantees that there is no outflow of funds from the country.
The situation is similar in many other European countries, with the only difference being a portion of operators’ profits contributing towards initiatives such as problem gambling prevention. The safety of minors is another reason for the restrictions.
For example, UK regulators aim to prevent the exposure of minors to gambling advertisements on television. They fear that repeated advertisements of this kind may lead to a generalization of gambling in society. Given all this, the gambling advertising ban will gradually become the norm in the coming years.
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