The best of yahoo! answer

The best of yahoo!  answer

During the Augets, there was a vague notion among techno-optimists that the multitude of knowledge is the answer to every problem. Using the wisdom of the crowd, it was thought, people would have unprecedented access to expertise. “With enough eyes, all the bugs are shallow,” the open-source software community said. Wikipedia’s success meant that public support, open production, and talented amateurs would prevail, it was a period of thinking. Like books Crowd wisdom, Crowdsourcing: Crowd the Power of the Feud is the Future of Business, Wikinomics: How Mass Combination Changes, Everything And Here Everyone Comes: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations Pushed the idea that the future was the group.It was in this environment, in 2005, that Yahoo! Started Yahoo! Answer In theory, it should have been the largest, most important site on the Internet. In practice, Yahoo! Answer will be closed on 4 May.

So I thought that I would preserve the intellectual inquiry that took place there, for future generations.

Adolescent development

Ant kill


Screenshot of Yahoo!  Answer inquiry
Human inquiry into action.

Computer help

Yahoo Answers Post: How can I lock the lock?  I am definitely involved with IT on YESTERDAY and I know how to bring it back.  All of my friends think that I am watching them on the internet.  This problem is going to advance my life and fulfill my family's choice.  I just wanna be again.  Please help!!
Bell to Yale

Human reproduction

Yahoo Answers Post: How does Bubby become?  How does a bubby become?  How is a girl pregnant?

*Note: This is repost. Real Shown in this video.


Yahoo Answers Post: Is the mantra to become a mermaid really work?  I would like to know if there is a mantra available to become a mermaid that works.  I am asking people who believe in mermaids.  do not say
I am also a witch.


Yahoo Answers Post: Very Popular Techno Song ??  Help!!!  They play it in clubs !!  I always listen to this song on the radio or when I'm in the club, but I can't find its name ... All of its songs are a part of the song in a way that it will actually subside, then slowly -Start back is picking back up and it will move faster as it is Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Ir Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dundundundundundundundund er er er er er er er er er der der der der
What is Alex?


Yahoo Answers Post: Just ate 52 pizza rolls, will I die in my sleep?  2 rolls contains 152 calories, will I die?  Oh and I had 2 liters of coke with it.
Honestly, a staggering number of pizza rolls…

In the same direction

Yahoo Answers Post: Metal Band Like One Direction?  Can you please suggest some bands like them but ..... the sound is the deathblow / black metal and its very hardcore and brutal !!  I love the old music there how they were screaming mixed with clean vocals, but the new album is just too much for me to handle !!!  Dammit it is just so cruel !!!!

domestic animal

Yahoo Answers: How do I take care of my pet potato?  I just got a pet potato, but I don't know how to take care of it.

The ships

Yahoo Answers Post: My Daughter
Parenting, explained.

Space travel

Yahoo Answers Post: Do You Think Humans Will Ever Walk On The Sun?  I was just daydreaming and thinking today and I think about how crazy it was that a person has gone to the moon and Mars.  I was just wondering if you think someone will ever walk on the sun?  Like I know its very warm, but I'm wondering if they went in the wintertime when the sun was only 30 degrees I bet they could do it.
Wait, when did humans land on Mars?

Spider anatomy

Yahoo Answers Post: Does Spider Have Puss?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Taylor Swift

Yahoo Answers Post: Am I Changing to Taylor Swift?  I have noticed that my hair has become lighter in the summer.  I find myself singing along to country songs and increasing my fascination with the Jonas Brothers.  Am I switching to Taylor Swift?  (Note: I am a 30-year-old Indian man)
No, it’s Becky.


Yahoo Answers Post: What vampires (eg Edward) poop?  Are they the reason they only eat blood
Well, do they?

(more here.)


Yahoo Answer Post: I have been understood by slugs ever since I was born.  It turned into a fetish.  She is very sexy .. she slowly shrugs.  So I decided, why not be sexy like them?  I want to be a slug.  So should I use Benge's Vaseline and cover myself with it and
Great use of mem format.


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