Earth Day was almost a different name

It was almost dead in the water before Earth Day began, thanks to the original Laugh Bad Name organizers originally for the annual event.

In the 1970s a two-party pair of MPs launched a national campaign to raise awareness of the growing environmental movement, although their branding talent failed to live up to their lofty outlook. Nexstar Media Wire.

The proposed name of the April 22 opening was “The Environmental Teach-In”.

Fortunately, the campaign attracted the attention of prominent advertising writer Julien Koenig, who reportedly reached out to an organizer and hired his services.

Reportedly, König had a birthday on April 22, and he liked how to celebrate “Earth Day” with a birthday.

the rest is history.

The incident can be traced back to Rachel Carson’s 1962 book “Silent Spring”, according to which widespread attention has been drawn to pollution and the effects of pesticides.

Colombian environmentalist Francisco Vera, left, and founder of
Colombian environmentalist Francisco Vera, left and founder of the “Guardians of Life” environmental group, plants a tree with a fellow activist to mark Earth Day on April 21, 2021 in Wilta, Colombia.

The website stated that in 1969, Senator Gaylord Nelson and Congressman Pete McCloskey began efforts to “teach” in American colleges and hired Harvard grad student Dennis Hayes.

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