Glasgow, Dublin and Bilbao do not have fan entry plans for Euro2020, this may cut

Glasgow, Dublin and Bilbao do not have fan entry plans for Euro2020, this may cut

Euro 2020 was marketed as a beautiful integration idea: 12 European cities in 11 countries. But now the number of cities hosting the tournament may be nine: Bilbao,

Dublin and Glasgow are in doubt, although each must have four matches (three in group + 1/8). according to experts The tournament could provide a good chance for the England national team, who still have better conditions to win the Euro, if Spain or Belgium.

• In late January, the UEFA press service wrote that it is working on four possible scenarios to accept fans: full stand, 50–100% occupancy, 20–30% occupancy and matches without spectators. “Each city, in association with UEFA, will select 2-3 suitable scenarios and develop the same plan in the coming weeks. UEFA said that in early March 2021 the decision of which scenario to use for each city would be made individually.

• According to the Associated Press, UEFA wants the stadium to be at least half full. So far, listed cities have not guaranteed occupancy.

• Scottish authorities have chosen a cautious path out of the lockdown and are yet to say when fans may be allowed back – at Hampden Park in Glasgow.

• In Ireland, the ban on attending matches was extended until 5 April – the local federation has not yet guaranteed that the situation will change by summer. “It is too early to say how and when these restrictions will be relaxed from the current uncertainty. At UEFA’s request, Dublin’s partner organizations are exploring possible scenarios for the game “, the Irish government said in a statement.

• There is no guarantee in Bilbao. La Liga president Xavier Tabes said on Tuesday that fans could return to some stadiums before the end of the season (in May), but this is an assumption of a function, not supported by the government’s roadmap. According to the government of the Basque Country Associated Press, “there are three months left, and we must be careful”. True, the Bases are not too unhappy about a possible match transfer from Bilbao: Spain should play in the city, which is not favored in the region.

• Eight games in Glasgow and Dublin will be played peacefully in England. The country is actively vaccinating and has already announced plans for the return of fans: from May 17 onwards, clubs need 10 thousand fans or 25% of the stadium’s capacity (whichever is less) to enter the stadium Will be allowed British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said “we are definitely ready to host any additional matches”.

At the same time, Great Britain is set to host all matches as usual, but UEFA does not want to host the euro in one country. UEFA hopes to move the match from Bilbao to other cities in Spain.

• The final format for the tournament will be announced in April – so UEFA is seeking an action plan from participating cities. At the same time, the option of postponing another date is not being considered – this was stated by the organizing committee general secretary, Aleksey Sorokin, of the Russian part of Euro 2020. “The euro will be unavoidable. There is nowhere to move the championship. We will talk on many issues, but the holiday will definitely happen ”, Sorokin said.

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