Shadow and Bone Review: Netflix Adaptation Really Improves Books

Shadow and Bone Review: Netflix Adaptation Really Improves Books

It is universally accepted that a book is better than a film or show.

Except when it is not.

New fantasy series of netflix Shadow and bone Leah is based on the first book of Bardugo’s bestselling Griswarsh books, about a state of turmoil and the users of magic who defend it. Shornner Eric Heusseur (for adapted version in the hands of screenwriters To reach And Bird box) And his team, the first novel finds a new life in an eight-hour-long episode, and fulfills the potential that it always had. Bardugo admits for the first time that his 2012 debut novel Chuna relied on the trauma of a story; While her other novels are far from those conventions, the main series has always been about a girl who has a unique power in the world. But now, nearly 10 years after the first book was published, her story has evolved to match the strengths of the rest of the series.

This may sound like the deepest blasphemy for book lovers, but life onscreen is a uniquely satisfying feeling to see a favorite book in a way that not only faithfully reproduces the story on the page, but Makes the existing text even better. . Although it is full of lore around the world that can stop new people, Shadow and bone The best type of adaptation is for long-time fans: one that could possibly be better than the source material.

[Ed. note: This review contains setup spoilers for Shadow and Bone.]

Shadow and bone Following the events of the first novel in Bardugo’s main Grisvers trilogy. In Wartorne Ravka, a country divided by one half of tangible darkness known as the shadowy bend, young cartographer Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li) discovers that she has the power to summon sunlight . It is a near-mythical force that can finally dissolve the Teh, and Alina is driven away from her former life and her best friend Mal (Archie Renx), the other magic users of the kingdom, Barnes to train the ceremonial General Kirigan (Ben) with Grisha). Elsewhere, a band of thieves, led by a clever Kaz Breaker (Freddy Carter), planned how to get their crew to cross the fold to inherit a lifetime.

The show too quickly overwhelms viewers, which may immediately appeal to long-time fans, just as it may introduce new actors to the show. There is very Vocabulary to hold – What is a Grisha? What is the difference between Squealer and Taylor? And then there are big questions, such as who Ravaka is fighting against. One of Burdugo’s strengths in her novels is her innate worldliness, which she seamlessly integrates into the plot, so it rarely feels like a big information-dump. It seems that Heisner and the rest of the creative team tried to do the same thing, while ensuring that fans would not feel patronized for long. Results vary. No one has a hand in the show, which means that some viewers may lose their way. But viewers who can keep up, and fans of books that are already one step ahead are in for an exciting ride.

Shadow and bone Works well as an adaptation because it not only recounts the events of the first book in the first Grishavers trilogy, it expands on them, integrating new stories into the fold. (Pun intended.) When it comes to those new stories, the characterization of later novels is a plot in an otherwise standard one frame. The first season is believed to have a lot of moving parts coming together, and they take little time to mesh well together. But once they all start clicking, the storylines create a satisfying climax. The strength lies in the characters. Hypnotic on paper, they come to life on the show, combining their relationships and motives with shades and shades of gray in an otherwise black-and-white plot.

Intense eye contact to make Alina and Sloppy

Photo: Netflix

But it is not the additional material that makes Shadow and bone Work so well as an adaptation. The fact that the main story – Alina’s story – actually works better when she is part of a larger and more inclusive narrative. Far from Alina’s limited first-person point of view, one immediately hits everyone’s stories. The biggest, most influential change is in Alina and Mal’s relationship. In the books, readers only find favor with Alina’s story. Her double whammy of her own insecurities and her letters to Anu without telling her does not portray her as a good friend, let alone a good love interest to her. But the series also establishes Mal’s side, and Renx does a terrific job of playing her not as an all-star unattainable, handsome guy-next-door, but as someone cut from the same creepy clothesline as Alaina Gave up, willing to do anything for him. He is now rough around the edges, but that makes him a more compelling character. Their relationship develops from each other into something beautiful and driving mutual pinning, which in turn leads to their original character becoming more fulfilled.

Elina herself becomes even more attractive onscreen, crossing the trap of the fanatical ordinary girl at the center of the fictional conflict. The biggest change is that she is now clearly birlesal. This update comes with both positive and negative improvements. On the one hand, because he has too much of an idealization based on the fact that he resembles Ravka’s enemies, his story ends with Netflix’s oddly identifying characters playing battle in battle with his identity. But on the other hand, within the show itself, the casting makes Alina’s loneliness even more powerful. She is not just an orphan who is not like the cool, glamorous Grisha girls; He is indeed a valid reason to feel like an outsider. (And on a more personal note, it is highly fulfilling to just see a semi-Chinese heroine at the center of an epic fantasy.)

Overall, the first season of Shadow and bone Pulls off an outstanding achievement: it is a conversion of a book that uses the power of television to elevate the story on the page. By integrating new stories, expanding on old ones, and removing characters, Heisner, Bardugo, and the rest of the creative team have created a show that both honestly admires their source, and makes deliberate, interesting changes. This is a gamble, though – Shadow and bone There is a show created for those who love books, and it risks alienating new audiences who might not want to keep up with the pace. But if the quality of this first season is any indication, subsequent Griswarsh books – not only the main trilogy, but also the spinoff and sequel novels – will be perfectly pleasing to watch onscreen. While the first season retails the first book in its entirety, there are still questions and big plot points to explore. Here’s hoping we get to see what comes next.

All eight episodes of Shadow and bone Premiere on Netflix on April 23.

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