Two teens rob passer-by of purse, wallet in Central Park

Two teens rob passer-by of purse, wallet in Central Park

Two teens robbed a passer-by in Central Park late Monday, cops said.

The park-goer, whose gender and age were not provided, was at East 84th Street and East Drive around 10 p.m. when the duo stole a purse and wallet, authorities said.

The victim was unharmed, police said.

The suspects took off, fleeing east on the East Drive.

About a month ago, two teens robbed a 45-year-old woman at knifepoint in Central Park — and were quickly busted by responding cops who chased them down.

And in June, cops collared a homeless man who allegedly punched a woman and snatched her phone in the park, police said.

In that incident, a good Samaritan chased down the mugger and retrieved the stolen item.

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