Video shows illegal migrants in Rio Grande

Fox News cameras caught a group of more than 50 illegal migrants in the Texas Grande on Monday at the Rio Grande, dramatically confirming that the border crisis had not ended.

“Biden administration says border is closed,” host Harris Faulkner narrated On the footage before asking the audience: “Does this sound off you?”

According to reporter Bill Melugin, on Monday, for the third consecutive day, he and his team saw a group of illegal immigrants crossing the river into the United States. Melugin stated that most of the migrants he saw were from Venezuela and Cuba.

After the group split into families and single adults, Melugin asked in Spanish the part of the family group if they had relatives in the US Most of them raised their hands positively.

Melugin pointed out, “What is usually happening here is getting local sheriff depots and state troops to process these migrants, as they are present here on the river, because the Border Patrol is so overwhelmed.” ” “They then have to call in the Border Patrol, who later appear here and initiate action on these migrants.”

Refugees seeking asylum from Venezuela cross the Rio Grande River on May 10, 2021 in Mexico, Del Rio, Texas, USA.
Asylum-seeking refugees from Venezuela cross the Rio Grande River from Mexico on May 10, 2021, in Del Rio, Texas.
REUTERS / James Breeden

As Melugin spoke, more migrants approached the riverfront on the Mexico coast to begin crossing through calf-high water.

“We hear the administration saying that the border is under control, we heard the DHS Secretary [Alejandro] Mayurakas says on Friday that ‘the border is closed’. Melugin said that local law enforcement here will tell you that no, it is not. “They will tell you that this is a crisis. This is something we have seen every day.”

The reporter said that the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) del Rio sector has been extremely hot, averaging between “more than 700 apprehensions every day” in the past week, while the Border Patrol reported arresting more than 5,000 migrants in the past week Was given.

In March, the CPB encountered more than 172,331 illegal migrants on the US-Mexico border, a 70 percent increase in February numbers.

The number of minors and family units entering the US is also increasing. CBP carried 18,890 encounters with minors in March, a 100.3 percent increase from the 9,431 encounters reported in February.

Also in March, authorities reported 53,623 encounters with family units, a 173.8 percent increase from the previous month.

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