Fallout from Joe Buck, Troy Aikman move

Fallout from Joe Buck, Troy Aikman move


On this week’s pod, Andrew Marchand and John Ourand go into deep detail on what Joe Buck’s $75 million contract and Troy Aikman’s $90 million deal mean for “Monday Night Football,” ESPN and Fox.

They also go around the NFL, analyzing how Fox plans to replace Buck on the Super Bowl and World Series, as well as its approach with Aikman’s spot. Plus, Al Michaels to Amazon is at the half-yard line with a lot of money on the line. And NBC Sports’ role in all of the movement, and Apple and Peacock’s future with their new MLB TV deals.

Plus, pod staples, “Who’s up, Who’s down” and the “Call of the Week.” “The Big Get” is Bomani Jones, off the debut of his new HBO program, “Game Theory.”
