Foster child abuses 6-year-old daughter, claims mother in lawsuit

A Brooklyn mom claims her 6-year-old child was sexually abused by a foster child who was practically thrown at her doorstep for services to the city’s administration of children.

The disturbing situation began with a bizarre night in January 2020, when a pregnant woman once played a doorbell with her child in the playground once before the mother, the mother claims in a lawsuit.

The pregnant woman then handed over her cellphone to the mother. An ACS caseworker was on the line, asking Mom to take the girl “for a night or two” while the woman gave birth, according to court papers, which identify the mother only as “MD”.

Casworker Ranasha Nightingale allegedly thought the children were friends, but MD, who shared a two-bedroom apartment with her daughter, told Nightingale that she had never seen a child before and would have to think over it, She says in Brooklyn Federal Court the complaint.

The next day, Nightingale claimed that the woman had gone into labor earlier than expected, and pressured the MD to refrain from sending her to a “risky” group home to pick up a Foster child, charging MD in legal filings Huh.

The MD relied – without telling anyone that the foster child was a victim of sexual abuse, she claims in court papers.

The large, strong foster child spent two weeks sharing a bedroom with MD’s daughter, subjecting her to abuse at night until the daughter starts screaming in the middle of the night, MD claims in the litigation.

MD – who was also unhappy with the foster child’s newborn siblings – discovered the abuses one night only after he had heard the foster child, telling his daughter, “Don’t tell your mother!” Encouraging him to question the children, he alleged.

According to a petition filed in court, the Foster child apparently confessed, MD abused her by her cousin.

Despite repeated begging from Nightingale and his supervisor to remove the Foster Kids, it took more than 24 hours for the MD’s claims to be withdrawn.

“What happened to my client and her daughter was terrible and worrying. My clients want justice for their family and to prevent other families from being unnecessarily patient with what they went through, ”said Evan Brustein, MD’s lawyer.

A spokesman for the city’s law department said, “The city takes these allegations seriously and will review the complaint.”

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