Love, Death and Robots Review: Season 2 of Netflix’s Adult Anthology

Love, Death and Robots Review: Season 2 of Netflix’s Adult Anthology

Love, Death and Robots, Tim Miller’s adult anthology series (Dead pool) And David Fincher (fight Club), Is back for the second part of the animated science fiction shorts. The first season promised a hardcore series for “mature, grumpy” adults, and with all the graphic nudity and excessive violence packed into the first segment, it fulfilled that promise. (Of course it gave too much.)

Season 2 Love, death and robots Runs smaller than before. The individual installments last an average of four to 15 minutes, and this time there are only eight shorts instead of 18. However, this is not the only difference between seasons. In fact, the shorts in Volume 2 are less edgy and violent, trading in gratitude and nudity for the poignant story. It is more mature this time and is less messy, which makes for a stronger look.

However, like last time, we are also concerned about whether each of these shorts actually fulfills the promise of love, death, and robots. So without further ado, here’s every drawback Love, Death and Robots, Divided by the quantity in those categories – and also the general pleasure value.

[Ed. note: This piece contains some light spoilers for volume 2 of Love, Death & Robots.]

“Automated Customer Service”

If your house-cleaning unit is attempting to murder you, please press 3.

Love: In short, the old woman is going to have a little flirting with the man next to her. Also, she loves her little dog very much.

Death: A fish dies to a death, as do the statues of various ceramic animals, but thankfully there have been no major casualties in this shortage. However there are some injuries as well.

Robot: An entire senior living neighborhood is basically full of robots that cater to every need of the residents. This brief follows a Vacubot who goes rogue and tries to assassinate his master. The old lady stays on the phone with a very unusable automated-customer-service bot.

Does it work “Automated Customer Service” closes this quantity Love, death and robots With a hilarious, frenzied start. It is tense, but also very funny, as the robot vacuum goes on a killing frenzy. You will want to check your Roomba to make sure you do not secretly come with lasers. Is there a deeper thread here about how automating everything can lead to doom? Probably, but it is also hilarious to see that Vacubot is distracted by his murderous rampage as it stops to suck some feathers from the pillow, which rips it apart.


A group of teenagers trekking in the snowy wasteland

Picture: Netflix

Two brothers away from home join genetically “modified” locals in a deadly race.

Love: A bond between the brothers Sedgwick and Fletcher. And that’s too much, unless you count the parents’ concern from the parents of the boys in the first few moments of this brief.

Death: There are some tense moments as the teenagers race across the frozen planet for some time before the frost whale breaks through the ice.

Robot: Save for the SEZ, Teens are all modified, but this seems to be a genetic thing rather than a robotic implant. However, keep it here, because one of them wears some kind of gas-mask device that can be physically tied to them.

Does it work The animation in “Ice” is gorgeous, especially scenes of ferocious, icy planets and frost whale scenes teenagers go out to see. It is fast and dynamic, really adding to the strangeness of this new world. The story in “Ice” is a very simple coming-of-age story: Sage wants to impress his brother’s new friends, so he accompanies them in a dangerous activity. But the edge of science-fiction, with modified humans, distant planets and enchanted alien whales, makes the miniature memorable.

“Pop Squad”

A man sitting in a car in the rain looking at a stuffed dinosaur

Picture: Netflix

A policeman accused of fighting the crisis of overpopulation is plagued by the human toil of his work.

Love: The main character, a cop named Briggs, is dating opera singer Alice, though they have a very superficial relationship. But this little love has a different kind of love: parents’ love for their children. In this future, humanity has uncovered the secrets of immortality, but to ensure that the population does not grow infinitely, childbearing is prohibited… but some people throw away their immortality to have children.

Death: The nature of Briggs’ work revolves around killing the population, which means killing children. He initially kills two. Three other people lose their lives in a short time.

Robot: No robots, but shout for whatever advanced technology is giving citizens this immortality of the future.

Does it work Hoo boy, this is a heavy one. But it works very well, actually building slowly in the opening scenes with the revelation of Briggs’ work. it is cold. The contrast between the glamorous lives of those who choose immortality, and the rebellious circumstances of those who chose children, and indeed it is difficult for children to speak of home. “Pop Squad” is very dark and is also one of the longer shorts, but it makes full use of its 15-minute runtime to tell a poignant story.

“Snow in the desert”

A man sitting cross-legged in front of the setting sun

Image: Netflix

Every bounty hunter in the galaxy wants a piece of ice.

Love: Make no mistake – even though this short has a lot to do with bounty hunters chasing a man named Snow in a distant desert planet (because he has a rare genetic mutation that basically makes him immortal , And they all want that), it’s really a love story, and a beautiful one at that. A sex scene, but unlike season 1 Love, death and robots, It does not focus on unnecessary scenes of a naked woman, rather it is something poignant and intimate.

Death: Due to Snow’s regeneration abilities, he gets into some pretty heated fights with the bounty hunters. Many people are shot.

Robot: There is no way to address this completely without a spoiler. Suppose a person is not as human as he makes himself.

Does it work I was deeply skeptical of this, because the very realistic animation that was definitely going to be at least one sexual duo gave me flashbacks to last season’s “Beyond the Aquila Rift” and its two-minute sex scene. But despite having some bloody fight scenes, “Snow in the Desert” is really about the loneliness of immortality and finding a relationship. It is the perfect accompaniment to “Pop Squad”, which also examines the effect of living forever.

“Tall grass”

A man standing in the tall grass

Picture: Netflix

While traveling across the prairie, a man is struck by distant, ghostly lights.

Love: Uh. No one? Unless you count the demons’ love of human flesh. <3

Death: There are some creepy monsters that have definitely been killed before! I won’t say more, because this entire short form is basically “Will this man get out alive?”

Robot: Does the train count?

Does it work This one is very scary, but also very simple. The animation is quite good, but because the plot is predictable without too much oomph to carry, it is probably the weakest episode of the batch. However, still very scary!

“All through the House”

Two children peeping through the handrail railing

Image: Netflix

On Christmas Eve, two children are bent down to catch a glimpse of Santa. (A twisted story for adults only).

Love: Christmas love for two siblings!

Death: Nobody really, except Santa, turned out to be this creepy alien demon thing that could possibly kill children.

Robot: No one!

Does it work “All Through the House ”taps neatly around the line between creepy and cute. It is short and sweet, putting a weird twist on Christmas traditions. There are some signs for it foreigner, As well as Claimation Christmas shorts that always run on television during the holidays, making this a generally fun time.

“Live hutch”

In Futuristic Looking Armor, a man looks very tense

Picture: Netflix

After a crash-landing on a crooked planet, a pilot makes his way to the shelter, only to face a threat within.

Love: No one.

Death: Whether or not the protagonist survives it is definitely the root of this episode, but there are some fights and bruises here.

Robot: Our protagonist is basically locked in a stressful showdown with a malfunctioning service robot who wants to kill him. This season has a theme of malfunctioning robots that accidentally get triggered to kill humans.

Does it work If we’re comparing shorts where human services face off against robots that want to kill them, “automated customer service” is objectively better: it’s funnier, more concise, more specific and stylized animation, and Generally bright as well. (Seriously, this short is so dark, it’s hard to make anything.) He said, “Life Hutch” is tense and scary. (It also has a photorealistic Michael B. Jordan.) There is an extra layer of claustrophobia here, as the protagonist cannot really leave the place in which he is hidden, lest the blood-thirsty robot attack him.

“Drowned giant”

A man is standing near a giant's hand

Picture: Netflix

The body of a huge young man washes to ashes and becomes a subject of attraction for the local people.

Love: The narrator does not Love Vishal, per se, but when he considers the concept of life, death and decay, he has great respect for the emperor.

Death: Well, the giant young man is dead. Gradually, parts of his body are displaced by the local people, who move parts around, and the remaining stump carcasses rotate at the end. So remember the local people.

Robot: No one!

Does it work There is something particularly beautiful about the “sinking giant”, which weaves comfortably the inevitability of death and decay into a folklore-esque tale. Though Vishal once grew and grew stronger for all in a nearby city, by the end, only the narrator remembers him. The giant’s fragments and fragments still remain, but his memory fades. The narrator reflects on what kind of fate it is that we will all face one day, which is a little dark, but it does not hurt. Whatever the case, their sadness and resignation is bitter, and is the perfect way to end this volume.

Volume of 2 Love, death and robots Now streaming on Netflix.

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