Outliers encourage the highest difficulty level – and I like it

People outsidePeople Can Fly’s new hijacker shooter, from variable settings, very difficult, just a little harder, trivial, normal, anywhere in between. In addition to allowing players to customize their experience, it encourages them to make the game as difficult as possible.

like Diablo 3 And partition series, People outside Uses a difficult difficulty system called world class. The higher the tier, the more difficult the enemies, but the better the loot. If you rack up your World Tier during the campaign, you also get a starting bonus on the endgame. People outside The extensive world-class system challenged me to push myself harder, and it made for a terrible experience.

What is a world class system?

The world-class system spans 15 levels
Picture: People Can Fly / Square Enix

People outside Starts me in World Tier 01. Tier 01 not only removes levels from my enemies, it actively reduces the quality of gear I can find in the world. But it is easy, and my fresh outrider feels like a god among anything who dares to stand in my way.

As I defeat things on World Tier 01, I gain progress on my World Tier Bar, located just below my Experience Bar. Once my World Tier bar fills up all the way, I automatically move to Tier 02 using the game’s default settings. Enemies are still a hindrance here, as is my loot, but it’s a bit more of a challenge than before. And so I kept winning and winning until World Tier 03, then 04, and up, and up.

Suddenly, my gear drops are unbelievable, and enemies that can kill me with one glance before it now pose a serious threat. With each combat encounter I get closer to that next world tier, but the deaths remove progress from my bar. I can never drop a world tier just by dying, but until I prove myself or get better gear, I will not be able to move forward.

so, People outside Gets harder and harder as I drive through my long campaign. But because loot is better in higher world levels, I keep getting stronger as I fight. With a combination of gear and skill, I can make my way towards World Tier 15, the maximum Tier outside of endgame content. The power of my enemies has increased significantly in Tier 15, but it also offers a 500% increase in loot quality and a 425% increase in the possibility of Legendary Drop.

What if I don’t want to put my head into encounters, until I achieve that perfect rhythm, or grind for weapons and armor until I can overwhelm my enemies with damage? Then I am free to fix the difficulty of my choice. I am getting kicked at my backyard world tier 12, so why not bump it down to world class 09? It is not so low that the combat is trivial, but it is a comfortable place to play through some missions or beat a hopeless encounter.

Tough but rewarding

In Outriders, the player's character inspects a piece of loot before lifting it

The higher the difficulty, the more likely I am to find this kind of epic gear
Picture: People Can Fly / Square Enix Through Reporter Door

I could bump up my World Tier at any point during the game’s campaign, but I didn’t – until the final boss, a fight where I realized that my disappointment was actually a limit, and that the limit was a Getting- 25-minute battle witnessed by a boss for 20 minutes.

But before that unfortunate boss fight, I paid all my expenses People outside The journey always escalates that high difficulty. Each new tier pushes me to the extent that I can, but I’ve never found a non-boss encounter that I couldn’t beat after several unsuccessful attempts.

At that maximum difficulty, the game not only pushes me to execute mechanically, but also considers all the tools I have at my disposal. In most games, I wouldn’t dream of fusion with a crafting system until I reached the endgame, scared before spending my precious resources because I really needed them. But i am crafting People outside Since the middle region of the campaign, desperate for that edge to push me forward. After the end of the campaign, I also saw a build up online to help my class perform at a high level, regardless of the game Diablo 3 Teaches me that as long as the endgame does not matter.

Even when I have pushed higher globally, the real difficulty of the game has increased and swept away with my gear and my construction. Sometimes I am powerful enough to fly through my current world stage, not dying for multiple encounters in a row. I slam my head against a single fight until I completely remember the spawn pattern of each enemy.

But that’s the beauty of People outside World Tier Bar: The game has never been hyper-hard or easy for a long time. When I was hitting enemies left and right, I flew through my World Tier bar because I was never losing progress – getting over that difficult difficulty fast. On the other hand, when I was struggling, I could barely make a dent in my world-class progress before I could get a chance to grab my gear. Because I am in a more challenging world tier, any enemy I try to handle has a good chance of leaving something useful.

The progress bar almost feels like a good coach’s shepherd. People outside Lets you fail enough to get the tools necessary to succeed, but never so much that further work is impossible. It is heartening to know that I can reduce my difficulty with World Tier and still have a challenging time, or that a player looking for a more wintry experience can still enjoy World Tier 05 to the fullest. is.

The way the World Tier experience bar works is through each leveling journey People outside Feel unique and suit your skill level. If I want to test myself, I can actually track my successes and failures People outside How fast do I move through the levels. It is a way to measure my progress and adapt my experience based on my mood. Maybe I’ve already proved myself and don’t want to bang my head against the wall. Maybe I will decide to defeat that boss without reducing the world tier. Either way, it is my choice.

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