Cardinal that half male, half female spot in PA

Cardinal that half male, half female spot in PA

There is no furrow around it, it is a rare bird.

A cardinal who appears to be half female and half male was recently seen in Pennsylvania.

Jamie Hill, who has watched bird watching for 48 years, has an unusual appearance In a facebook post on Sunday.

“I’ve had once in a lifetime, one in a million bird encounters!” He has written.

Hill’s friend told him about an “unusual bird” spotted at a bird feeder in Grand Valley, Warren County.

The creature was bright red like a male cardinal on one side and brownish-white like a female on the other side.

Hill leaned on the spot to see the Northern Cardinal for himself – and immediately recognized it as a bipartisan gynecologist, with one side being male and the other female.

Hill wrote, “The bird will have a functioning ovary on its left side and a functioning testicle on its right.” “Theoretically, this bird can either have intercourse with a normal male cardinal and lay fertile eggs, or it can mate with a normal female cardinal and father its eggs!”

Although not unheard of, mixed sex birds are rare.

However, this is not really the first time such a winged friend has been seen in Pennsylvania.

Another half male, half female cardinal was seen outside of Erie two years ago and painted inside National Geographic Magazine.

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