CBD | Does It Really Offer Health Benefits?

CBD | Does It Really Offer Health Benefits?


CBD oil is everywhere. You hear about it all the time. It’s in every type of product and many are supposed to be beneficial to your health. If you look into CBD oil, there are claims that it treats everything from mental health issues to serious diseases. But what’s really proven true and what’s just marketing?

The truth is that there are a lot of ongoing studies that support the fact that CBD oil can be helpful for treating different issues and promoting overall wellness. It is not a cure-all. But it is a well-tolerated alternative to harsher prescription medication that many people find really beneficial.

A large part of the popularity of CBD and other cannabis products is the fact that laws are changing across the country. Currently, CBD derived from hemp is legal on the federal level. But each state has its own laws regulating the sale and use of marijuana, CBD, and THC. The popularity in your area will depend largely on the legal status in your state. You can find a growing list of dispensaries in Denver because Colorado is a green state.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is short for cannabinoid. CBD is found in cannabis or hemp. Unlike THC, CBD does not give you a euphoric feeling. You can take CBD and remain fully sober. Researchers are currently studying the benefits of CBD for an assortment of medical conditions. So far, CBD has been approved by the FDA to treat epilepsy.

There are ongoing studies and many show some significant promise for treating pain, alleviating inflammation, treating migraines, and treating an array of mental health issues, such as anxiety and stress.

The research isn’t conclusive in a lot of these studies because marijuana and CBD haven’t been studied widely enough at this point. Quick changing legislation is opening up options to study these properties to find out if they are beneficial for people with illnesses. CBD is often tolerated much better than some harsher drugs and many people find these products to be a more natural and beneficial alternative and supplement.

What are the real health benefits?

We know that CBD is beneficial to treat epilepsy because it’s been approved by the FDA. There are ongoing studies but current data shows that CBD oil shows strong preclinical evidence of being effective in treating anxiety disorders, such as PTSD and panic disorder.

There are ongoing studies that indicate that CBD oil can help treat older adults with issues such as high blood pressure and insomnia.

Here are a few of the issues that CBD is routinely recommended to treat.

  • Cancer symptoms. These include symptoms from the cancer itself and side effects from treatment.
  • Pain management. CBD oil can help alleviate muscle aches and pain from injury.
  • Anti-inflammatory. CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties which might help with issues such as Crohn’s Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • As mentioned above, CBD shows evidence of being beneficial for various anxiety disorders.
  • Acne treatment. There are several products on the market with CBD oil specifically made for the treatment of acne and skin conditions.

How can you use CBD oil?

There are many products on the market. You can find items created to treat specific health conditions or just to improve overall wellness. Here are some of the ways that you can use CBD oil:

  • Edibles are a popular and tasty way to take CBD. The oil is used to create various baked goods and candies.
  • Like edibles, you can purchase drinks with CBD oil in them.
  • Many people take oral pills, the same way you’d take a supplement. There’s no taste and it’s simple to carry with you and take discreetly.
  • Under your Tongue. CBD oil can be placed directly under your tongue. This is a fast-active method because it bypasses the digestive system.
  • Many people prefer to smoke CBD with a vape pen and this is also a fast-activating method. There may be health risks associated with this method.
  • Creams and Topicals. You can apply creams directly to the area you’re treating. Some CBD topicals are created for skin conditions while others are useful for pain management. You can apply it directly to the area where you need relief.

There are many options for use. There is good indication that CBD can offer health benefits for an array of symptoms and most people tolerate it well with limited side effects.


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