Ken Pomeroy, college basketball stats guru, used to do meteorology

Ken Pomeroy, college basketball stats guru, used to do meteorology


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No one knew that college basketball was on the verge of changing forever. Not even the catalyst of the revolution, tinkering with statistics and mathematical formulas during his downtime from writing a thesis on atmospheric science.

Ken Pomeroy didn’t aspire to become one of the most influential people in the sport, playing a role on virtually every team in the country. He couldn’t know how many coaches would become reliant on the advanced statistics system featured on his website (

). He couldn’t fathom becoming the godfather of a movement, changing how teams prepare, altering media coverage and influencing sportsbooks.

Pomeroy, 48, was simply a college basketball fan with no connection to the sport outside rooting interests for his alma maters (Virginia Tech, Wyoming). He’d been enamored with mathematics since he was a child. By creating proprietary algorithms to more accurately evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of every Division I team, Pomeroy found an absorbing and fulfilling hobby to keep him occupied when he wasn’t busy working as a meteorologist at the National Weather Service.
