Grab bacon and green onions, please!
Residents of the Houston area opened their powerless refrigerator to respond to a wildlife park request to donate food that was spoiled during this week’s power.
TGR Exotics Wildlife Park posted a note on Facebook on Thursday asking residents not to throw away their spoiled groceries.
Many homes in the area were without electricity for about a week, when a massive winter storm dropped snow and ice over a typically warm state, and brought unusually cold temperatures, with some areas falling below zero.
“Hello! If you have fruits (vegetables / vegetables), eggs or raw meat / chicken (unprocessed or unsaturated) that you had in the frig that you think is not good for your family, then we have it to do. It is very good !! ” Park said in the post, Which was shared more than 2,600 times. “Animals will eat it until it is moldy.”
Park warned that animals may not have things like onions or garlic and sadly no one eats bacon, seafood or lunch meat. But the rest of the contents of the warming fridge were welcomed.
On Friday, Park posted a thank you note, “The loss of your food has been greatly appreciated!”
A few hours later, another post was intended to stop the flow of good will.
“We have a wonderful community !! Thank you all for cleaning your fridge / freezer and sharing it with animals. We have more than enough meat, our freezer is full! “
“But if you still have production we would love it!”
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