White House press secretary Jane Saki on Thursday dismissed the possibility that democratic support to reopen schools would harm the party along with voters.
A journalist asked Saki at a sub-phone press conference about a concerted Republican attack on Democrats, including President Biden, who is advocating a reopening from Democrat-aligned teachers unions amid nationwide resistance.
“Let me say first on the political front that the voting that I have not seen is effective, and there was actually a poll yesterday which showed that President Biden and the teachers were the most in terms of determining the reopening of the school.” Were trustworthy organizations, ”said Saki, apparently referring to one Morning Consulting / Politico Poll A partisan split was found on the issue.
In response to a follow-up question, Saki stated that “the president, the vice president and this White House do not see the reopening of schools through a political prism.” We look at what is in the interest of teachers, of students, of families, of parents. And we want to do it safely. “
He said, “Children are not Democrats or Republicans. And their parents – I think this is an issue about which all Americans care deeply.”
The White House’s stance on resuming a year in the COVID-19 pandemic, despite recent green lights from federal health officials, led to delays as guardianships due to resistance from the teachers’ union.
Biden said on Tuesday that when the school said he had a goal of reopening the school, half of the schools were to open by the end of April, which was short for one day per week.
“That’s not true. There was a communication mistake,” Biden said in a CNN town hall. “I think many of them will do it five days a week, the goal will be five days a week.”
Biden’s CDC director Rochelle Wallensky said earlier this month that schools could safely reopen even without teacher vaccinations. Sasaki initially stated that Valenski was speaking only in his “personal capacity”. On Sunday, Biden’s chief medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci said it would be “optimal”, but not all teachers are required to be vaccinated.
The CDC issued guidelines on Friday, stating that classes could resume even in hard-hit areas if they screen regularly for viruses.
Early research found low rates of virus transmission within schools.
Psaki on Thursday called for the passing of Biden’s proposed $ 1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus plan – which is being run through Congress without Republican support – and said it includes the necessary funds for schools.
“what is in [Biden’s] The power is that we are working with Congress to obtain additional funding that is necessary for many school districts across the country to follow these mitigation steps recommended by the CDC, including masking, small class sizes There are more bus drivers, and more are hired teachers when needed. He is within the power of the President, he concentrates every day and night, so that we can open schools, open them five days a week within 100 days and that is his focus.
Republicans are pointing out that billions of funds should be approved for already approved schools. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Said this month that the December legislation brought in $ 68 billion, which was already appropriated for K-12 schools, but spent just $ 4 billion – With 94 percent left to dispense.
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