Ralph Lauren unveils Olympics 2021 Opening Ceremony uniforms

The Olympic competition will be fierce, but Team USA’s Opening Ceremony uniforms will be chill.

The Ralph Lauren-designed jackets contain a cutting-edge personal cooling system that can regulate body temperature in oppressive heat — essentially acting as a wearable air-conditioning unit.

“We had a conversation with the Olympic Committee several years ago,” brand executive David Lauren told The Post.

“And they made it clear that they wanted our athletes to dress up and be ambassadors, but since Japan is one of the technology centers of the world, [they asked] ‘What kind of fun surprises can we bring?’”

The label tapped Silicon Valley honchos, as well as leaders in the environmental and sustainability movement, and looked at what the Department of Energy was doing in the emerging field of personal thermal management.

The result is RL COOLING technology. It’s a “James Bond-like” battery-powered device inserted into the back of the jacket that gives the wearer a shot of cold to the base of the neck.

The Team USA cooling jacket with state of the art technology
The Team USA cooling jacket with state-of-the-art technology.
Courtesy of Ralph Lauren

“It’s the one spot on your body where your brain senses it and it begins to cool your body. It helps you sweat less and your body will feel more like it’s 70 to 75 degrees even if it’s 90 degrees,” he said.

On July 23, the flag bearer will be sporting a white denim jacket with the frosty technology, while all other members of Team USA will be donning blazers that can be activated after the parade.

“The cooling jacket was really to tell a bigger story about American ingenuity and leadership. It’s not just to look cool but to help our athletes stay cool in what will be incredibly muggy Japanese temperature. They will be the only people in the world with them.”

The rest of the uniform is classic all-American Ralph Lauren preppy: a navy blazer with a striped shirt and printed scarf. Each clothing item is made in the US and incorporates sustainable materials.

All the gear has 2020 in the logos, which Lauren believes will make the merch even more valuable on the secondary market.

“Everything was designed for last year. It’s the first time in history the Olympics have been delayed, so they’ve already become collector’s items.”

Fencer Daryl Homer — who will be competing in his third round of games — said athletes from other countries often want to trade for their branded swag.

Fencer Daryl Homer sports the Opening Ceremony uniforms.
Fencer Daryl Homer sports the Opening Ceremony uniforms.
Courtesy of Ralph Lauren

“I was just in Rome in training camp and some of the Italian athletes were asking to swap for some Ralph Lauren gear,” said Homer, adding that the cooling jacket will be a hot item. “The cooling technology is amazing.”

But Homer isn’t likely to part with his innovative sports jacket. He plans to frame all of his Opening Ceremony blazers.

“They are super special and represent a moment in time,” he said, adding, “It’s something that makes me really proud.”

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