Reopening school held in NYC playground

Big Apple parents started a rally on Saturday at an East Harlem playground, requesting immediate reopening of public schools that were in one place to roll back distance education.

About 100 pro-openers swallowed the Wagner Playground, mostly countered by about 50 people from the other side for civil, duel demonstrations.

A group of protesters in favor of reopening NYC city schools.
A group of protesters in favor of reopening NYC schools.
Robert miller

“Like plants, children need to be outside,” said Megan Jha, a mother of four from Queens. “They need to see what life is like outside their home.”

About 100 people came to the Wagner Playground to hear his message.
About 100 people came to the Wagner Playground to participate in the rally.
Robert miller

Stephanie Felix, a resident of West Harlem and mother of three, said opening the school is an important step to regain normalcy amid the epidemic.

NYC's comptroller candidate Zach Iscol with Andrew Yang in the protests.
NYC comptroller candidate Zach Iscol with mayor candidate Andrew Yang in the protests.
Robert miller

“Without school opening, free childcare, daycare – it’s the most important stuff to go back to normalcy,” she said. “Amazon and Alexa are my best friends. I check on my children, although there is a camera so that I can go back to work. it’s terrible. I’m not going to do that, but they need to eat, “she said, through tears.

There were about 50 protesters who were against the reopening of schools.
There were about 50 protesters who were against the reopening of schools.
Robert miller

But Paulette Healy, Bay Reese’s mother and resident, spoke for distance education.

“Vaccines are not the answer to reopening schools. If our child wants to take many medicines to get out of that door, how can you insist that child go back to school where the COVID is still growing? ” He asked.

The roping rally was organized by Harlem Jets and #KeepNYCSchoolsOpen; The counter-rally was organized in schools NYC by several groups including Alliance for Quality Education, The Movement of Rank and File Educations, and BLM.

One parent stated that the COVID-19 vaccine is not enough reason that the schools are fully open.
One parent stated that the COVID-19 vaccine is not enough reason that the schools are fully open.
Robert miller

Mayor candidate and self-described “frustrated public-school parent,” Andrew Yang joined the pro-opener to call Mayor Bill de Blasio “five days a week with extracurricular activities and athletics” to open the city’s schools.

There was some anger among protesters over Mayor Bill de Blasio's handling of the schools.
There was some anger among protesters over Mayor Bill de Blasio’s handling of the schools.
Roy Rochlin / Getty Images

“I was talking to a parent here who said he has a nephew in Long Island, who has been in school for months.” “Why is New York City failing their families to this degree?”

“Because of de Blasio!” Shouted a man in the crowd.

While these demonstrators are in favor of in-person learning, others feel that remote school is still beneficial.
While these demonstrators are in favor of in-person learning, others feel that remote school is still beneficial.
Robert miller

The mayor’s press secretary, Bill Nehardt, responded in a statement: “Andrew Yang should have known that Mayor de Blasio had already announced that the school would return in full force in September. It was Mayor de Blasio who gave the schools Opened when no other major city tried even months ago. We put the school first and that will never change. “

As he left the rally, Yang encountered a handful of parents who supported distance education.

“Our children are not your support!” Many shouted.

In March, Andrew Yang posted a review of the schools not opening on the United Federation of Teachers, but has since retracted comments.
In March, Andrew Yang posted a review of the schools not opening on the United Federation of Teachers, but has since retracted comments.
Robert miller

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