According to data from the CDC (Centers for Disease Prevention and Control), one in five have serious physical injuries. Although accidents can be seen overall in the United States, the fact still remains that these accidents can have serious consequences for a lifetime for victims of slip and fall accidents.
If you were injured in a slip and crash in the state of California, you may be entitled to financial compensation if you can prove that the accident occurred due to someone else’s negligence. A slip and fall injury lawsuit can help cover the costs of an accident.
To take action immediately after an accident
seek medical attention
Regardless of the extent of bodily injury, the first thing after any slip and accident is to call emergency services and ask for medical help. Your safety and wellbeing should be of paramount importance in case of an accident.
Report an accident
The property owner is required to report to the accident or the highest-ranking person present in the property. This helps keep things on record for the legal process down the line. It also helps to remove the security threat from the property so that no one is injured in the future.
gather evidence
To prove your case in court, the evidence of your injuries, dangerous condition of the property and witness testimony can prove invaluable. Take as many photos on the site of your physical injuries and slip as in an accident. You can ask a friend to do it on your behalf if you cannot gather evidence yourself due to injuries.
Contact a lawyer
To contact a Slip and fall lawyer in los angeles One of the most important things you can do to protect your rights. In the cases of slip and fall accident, meeting the liability can be a daunting task, and you will benefit from all the professional legal help you can get.
Establish liability in the state of California
To receive compensation for their injuries, it is necessary to prove the property owner’s negligence. The following conditions need to be satisfied to prove this fact in a court of law:
- The property had hazardous conditions that led to slips and injuries.
- The owner of the property had direct or indirect knowledge of the said conditions and therefore violated the outstanding duty of care.
- The threat was not terminated or properly notified.
Pure comparative negligence
According to the pure comparative negligence rule, you may be entitled to compensation even if an accident occurs due to your negligence due to the accident. In the case where your negligence contributed to a slip and fall accident, the percentage of your fault will be determined. The compensation you receive as a result of the lawsuit will be correlated with the said percentage.
Importance of legal representation
When you can represent yourself in a court of law in a minor injuries case, it is advisable to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer. Discussing your case with a lawyer can help you understand the intricacies of a slip and falling case and help you get the compensation you deserve.
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